For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
At TAG Soperton we find great joy in serving our community and its members. There are various community outreaches throughout the year. If this is something you feel you would enjoy, we are always needing volunteers.

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
God has given us all gifts to use for his kingdom. Find your place to serve, no job it to small.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer for the nursery?
Contact Cheryl Bailey to be added to the nursery rotation
How do I volunteer with kids?
Our kids leaders Rebecca Humphrey and Jessica Watson can give you additional details if your heart is in kid ministries...
How do I volunteer as a greeter?
Melanie Hutcheson is our Hospitality Team Coordinator, contact her if you are interested in joining the hospitality team.
How do I volunteer with students?
Contact our Youth Pastor Christian Hammock for volunteer opportunities with the youth students.
We are so blessed to have a team of faithful volunteers. Please consider joining this team of fun folks!